
We have also developed a number of industry specialisms over the years, which enable us to provide finely tuned, highly focused services in these sectors.

Second hand goods retailers

Over the years we have dealt with many second hand goods retailers from those dealing in items such as watches and antiquitiesto second hand car dealers.

Ebay & E-Commerce Traders

As an Ebay accountant we fully understand how auction houses such as Ebay and other retailing platforms such as Amazon operate.

Sage Partner

In April 2012 we achieved Sage Partner recognition of which we are only one of 200 practices in the UK.

Property Portfolio Planning

We act as accountants for many landlords in the Sunderland Tyne & Wear area and many of these have property portfolios.


Outsourcing is becoming more and more popular throughout all owner managed businesses throughout the North East of England.

Onsite Business Management & Account

One of the fastest growing areas in our business is the on site business is the on site visits which mean we prepare management accounts and deliver business advice.

Fixed Fee Service

After we have seen the client and established the work which can be undertaken on their behalf.